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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tŏŋ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: elbow
Burmese: lǝtauŋ the elbow.
Kachin: doŋ2 a cubit.
Lushai: toŋ a cubit, KC *toŋ.
Comments: Sh. 48; Mat. 164. Here also Rabha cá-kha-thoŋ 'knee'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Toŋ ( ~ s-)
Meaning: thousand
Chinese: 眾 tuŋs numerous, multitude
Tibetan: stoŋ thousand.
Burmese: thauŋ 1000, LB *stuŋ.
Comments: Sh. 45; Ben. 21. Cf. also Trung ti tuŋ ŋai 1000, ti tuŋ gra 10000.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Toŋ / *Ton
Meaning: plough, harrow
Tibetan: thoŋ a plough.
Burmese: thwan harrow.
Comments: Benedict 1975: 94.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Toŋ (~-u-)
Meaning: dull, stupid
Chinese: *toŋ, *thrōŋ, *throŋs stupid.
Burmese: thǝuŋh be dull, stupid, deaf.
Lepcha: toŋ-toŋ, sŭŋ-toŋ, a-njor sŭŋ-toŋ deaf
Comments: Cf. PAA *Tuŋ 'deaf', Tai *tɨŋ 'deaf'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tŏŋ(H)
Meaning: go to, come to
Chinese: *toŋʔ go to; frequently visit.
Tibetan: ãdoŋ (p., i., doŋ, ãdoŋ) to go, to proceed, ãdaŋ come to, arrive, gtoŋ (p. btaŋ, f. gtaŋ, i. toŋ) let go, send.
Burmese: tǝuŋ to arrive, reach, attain.
Lushai: toŋ (ton) to meet, come across, arrive, to match.
Comments: ? PG *ToŋL to go out.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tŏp (~-ŭ-)
Meaning: suddenly
Kachin: gǝdup2 to meet suddenly and unexpectedly.
Lushai: top suddenly.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tŏr (~-ŭ-)
Meaning: worry, be anxious
Chinese: *tors anxious, 顓 *tor attentive, respectful.
Lushai: tur to worry, bother.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *Tot (~ -uat)
Meaning: top, upper
Tibetan: stod the upper, higher; thod (C) over, above the door.
Burmese: ǝthwat top; head ornament, crown.
Comments: Luce 48.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tōj (~ d-; /-n)
Meaning: high, elevated
Chinese: *tūj mound, 頓 *tūns hill.
Tibetan: mtho be high, elevated, mthos high, elevated, mthon high, elevated.
Kachin: (H) mǝtho high, pinnacle.
Lepcha: thu to be high, high in place, degree
Comments: Ben. 59.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tōk
Meaning: fight, strike, wrangle
Chinese: *t(r)ōks quarrel, wrangle; 啄 *trōk to peck; 椓 *trōk to beat, strike; castrate.
Tibetan: rdug (p. brdugs, f. brdug) to conquer, to vanquish, destroy; to strike against; rdog to kick.
Burmese: tǝuk to fight, swoop, raid (of bandits); LB *thuk to peck.
Kachin: ? gǝthok2-gǝthak2 brawl; ǝthok2 to touch lightly.
Kiranti: *[th]úk
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tōk (~ d-; r-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: dirt, mud
Chinese: *trōk muddled, muddly.
Tibetan: rtug excrement, dirt.
Lepcha: tóŋ to be covered with dirt (?)
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tōl(H)
Meaning: shake, move
Chinese: 揣 *tōrʔ ( ~ *tōjʔ) shake, move.
Tibetan: brdul to swing, brandish.
Burmese: twij to swing, straddle.
Lushai: tolʔ to shift, move, move along; to shift or move with a sliding motion.
Comments: Peiros-Starostin 211.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tō̆nH ( ~ -ɫH)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: cut
Chinese: *tōnʔ cut off, 剸 *tonʔ, dōn to cut, 膞 *ton, *tonʔ, donʔ cut meat.
Kachin: don1 to cut.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tōŋ / *tōn (~ d-)
Meaning: winter, autumn
Chinese: *tūŋ winter.
Tibetan: ston autumn.
Kachin: ginthoŋ3 the dry season.
Comments: Here perhaps Tani *doŋ 'rain'. Cf. PAN *rendeŋ 'wet season, winter'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tōŋ (~d-)
Meaning: strike, pound
Chinese: 鍛 *tōns to hammer, forge; strike.
Tibetan: rduŋ (p. brduŋs, f. brduŋ, i. (b)rduŋ(s)) to beat, to strike.
Burmese: thauŋh to pound, LB *thuŋx.
Kachin: thoŋ2 kick forward.
Comments: PG *toN pound grain. Cf. also OCh. 撞 *drōŋ(s) to strike (Coblin 40).
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tōŋH / *tōnH
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: short
Chinese: *tōnʔ short (cf. also 種 *toŋʔ short (e. g. hair)).
Tibetan: thuŋ short, rtuŋ (p. brtuŋs, f. brtuŋ, stuŋ) make shorter, stuŋ (p. bstuŋs, f. bstuŋ, i. stuŋs) id.
Burmese: tauŋh be short as garment.
Kachin: gǝdun2 be short.
Lepcha: tan to be short, small; ten to be short; short; to shorten
Kiranti: *Tɔŋ
Comments: Simon 26. Cf. Limbu tɔ:ŋmaʔ 'be short'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tōr ( ~ d-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: a k. of garment
Chinese: *tōr black straight robe.
Tibetan: dor breeches, trousers.
Comments: Cf. also Tib. thul a furred coat or cloak.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tōt (~ d-)
Meaning: stick, stake
Chinese: *tōts baton.
Tibetan: rtod, gtod, btod a stake for tedding.
Burmese: tut, thut a stick.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *tōt (~-ū-)
Meaning: cut
Chinese: *tōt cut.
Kachin: dut2 to cut, to sever.
Lepcha: tat, a-tat notched, cut in notches like a saw; tjót to chop, to mince in numerous pieces as meat, to hew, to cut down in numbers (as men, trees, etc.)
Comments: Trung dɔt1, tɔt1.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *t(r)ăk
Meaning: put, pack
Chinese: *trak to place, put, apply.
Tibetan: teg (i. tog) to pack up, put up, put into, ãthegs pack up; theg lift, raise, be able to carry; ãdeg(s) (p. bteg(s), f. gteg, i. theg) to lift, to raise, to support, to weigh.
Kachin: dik3 to put, pack, crowd or jam into.
Kiranti: *tä́k
Comments: The meanings 'lift, support' in Tib. and Kiranti are probably due to contamination with another root, see *thɨāk lift, support. In Chinese one could also compare 寘 *teks 'to place, put down', 置 *trǝks id.
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